Workflows & Automation
Output & Webhooks

Workflow Outputs & Webhooks

Using Webhooks you can use DearFlow as the AI backbone of any part of your app.

When you or your API create new DearFlow Tasks based on prepared Workflows you can receive their outputs through webhooks.

Configure your Webhook

  1. Go to your API & Webhook Settings Page (opens in a new tab).
  2. Select Webhooks at the top of the screen.
  3. Click "+ Webhook"
  4. Enter the url you want to receive your results at.
  5. Before you leave the page make sure to copy the provided webhook secret.

Webhook Example

You can see the events that are registered for your webhook. Check details in our API Reference

Configure your Workflows Output

In order to receive data after executing a Task based on a workflow you have to configure its outputs. Workflows will not have outputs sent to your webhooks by default.

Go to your workflow

  1. Find your workflow in your workflow list (opens in a new tab).
  2. Pick the workflow you want to configure.

Edit Workflow & Go to Output

Important: You will only see the output section, if you have at least one step in your workflow.

  1. At the top right of your screen select the Edit icon.
  2. Select Output & Webhooks

Select & Name values

When adding a new output, you will be able to select the step of which you want to use the output. You can then give a name to the resulting parameter that will be sent to your webhooks.

Output configuration

In some cases you will be able to pick a subvalue of the output. For example if the action of a step was to create an image, you will be able to pick if you want the final output message of the step or the generated image as output.

Output with Image config

Other examples:

  • After posting a twitter post: twitterId or Final message
  • After sending an email: gmailId or threadId or Final Message