AI Knowledge & Files

AI Knowledge & Files

DearFlow allows you to store and manage your knowledge documents in one central location. Easily access important information to use throughout workflows or as context for your personal AI assistant! Visit your documents here (opens in a new tab).

Document Types:

  • Upload Files Manually (supported types)
  • Manual Text Input
  • Website Scraping


1. Sign in to DearFlow

Use the Create Account Guide if you have not got an account yet. Or login (opens in a new tab) directly.

2. Navigate to Documents

At the bottom left you will find your documents marked as "My Documents".

Documents In Sidebar

3. Documents Overview

Here you can oversee all your documents. They can be created through you or come from results in your workflows.

Documents In Sidebar

4. Add Document

When you choose to create a document you can pick from all our (supported types).

Documents In Sidebar

5. Process Document

We will instantly start processing your document, so our AIs have it easier to understand and work with it, you will also receive a short summary from the document.

Documents In Sidebar

Supported Types

File FormatMimetype
.xmlapplication/xml or "text/xml"